1.Visit any Mutual Fund’s or Registrar & Transfer Agent’s (RTA) Website where you have an investment.

2.Check for “KYC Status” link

3.Enter your 10-digit PAN.

4.Your KYC Status will be displayed as ‘KYC Validated / KYC Registered / KYC On-Hold’.

What Does Each KYC Status Imply?

KYC Validated

1.Relax! You have to do nothing at all!

2.Over XX% of investors are KYC Validated, you too are one of them.

3.You can do any transaction in any mutual fund, anytime.

KYC Registered

1.You can continue making transactions (like Purchases, Redemptions, Switches, SIPs, etc.) in all your existing Mutual Fund investments without any hassle.

2.Only if you want to invest in a mutual fund where you don’t have any investment already, you will have to do your KYC once again.

3.You can get your KYC status changed to ‘KYC Validated’ by doing the KYC Update/KYC Modification process using PAN and Aadhaar from XML, Digi-locker, or MAadhaar.

4.The process to do this is simple, available on all Mutual Fund/RTA websites and takes a few minutes to complete.

5.Once your KYC status changes to Validated you can invest in any Mutual Fund of your choice without any requirement of re-KYC.

KYC On-Hold/Rejected

1.The KYC status on the Mutual Fund/RTA website, will show the reason for ‘KYC On-Hold’/Rejected status; it could be: Mobile or Email not validated / PAN is not linked with Aadhaar / Deficiency in the KYC documents, etc.

2.You simply have to remediate the reason for KYC On-Hold/Rejected by following the steps given on the Mutual Fund Website. Once your KYC status changes to Registered/Validated you will be all set to start transacting, as per the KYC status.

The steps to resolve any KYC issues are easy and can be done from the comfort of your home. In case of any difficulties, feel free to contact your intermediaries or Our office/helpline for further assistance.

📞 Mobile: 8121096850

📞 Mobile: 8019355102

✉️ Email: kra@karvy.com

Currently investor has to complete the KYC process as and when they interact with each type of SEBI Intermediaries by submitting the relevant documents, requirements of which may vary from intermediary to intermediary. This has put the investors many hardships. With a view to eliminate such duplication of KYC process to be executed by the investors and to have uniform KYC process across SEBI registered intermediaries, SEBI has introduced the concept of KYC Registration Agency (KRA). This will enable an investor to invest/trade through various intermediaries, after undergoing the KYC process only once through an intermediary. Additionally, any subsequent changes in investor static / demographic information of an investor across various SEBI registered intermediaries can be made by giving a single request to the KRA through one of the registered intermediaries.

SEBI KRA Regulations 2011 defines the roles and obligations of KRA. Key points are:

1.KRA shall be responsible for storing, safeguarding and retrieving the KYC documents that are being submitted by various SEBI registered intermediaries.

2.KRA shall retain the original KYC documents of the client, in both physical and electronic form for the period specified, as well as ensuring that retrieval of KYC information is facilitated within stipulated time period.

3.Any information updated about a client shall be disseminated by KRA to all intermediaries that avail of the services of the KRA in respect of that client.

4.KRA(s) shall have electronic connectivity and with other KRA(s) in order to establish inter-operability among KRAs

5.KRA shall send a letter to each client after receipt of the KYC documents from the intermediary, confirming the client’s details thereof.

6.KRA shall take adequate steps for redressal of the grievances of the clients within one month of the date of receipt of the complaint.

SEBI KRA Regulations 2011 defines the roles and obligations of KRA. Key points are:

1.The intermediary shall perform the initial KYC/due diligence of the client, shall upload the KYC information / documents on the system of the KRA and send the original KYC documents to KRA within the prescribed time.

2.When the client approaches another intermediary subsequently, it will be optional for the intermediary to verify and download the client’s details from the system of KRA or to take fresh KYC as per existing system.

3.However, upon receipt of information on change in KYC details and status of the clients by the intermediary or when it comes to the knowledge of the intermediary, at any stage, the intermediary shall be responsible for uploading the updated information on the system of KRA and for sending the physical documents to KRA, wherever necessary.

4.An intermediary shall not use the KYC data of a client obtained from the KRA for purposes other than it is meant for; nor shall it make any commercial gain by sharing the same with any third party including its affiliates or associates.

5.The intermediary shall have the ultimate responsibility for the KYC of its clients, by undertaking enhanced KYC measures commensurate with the risk profile of its clients.

KRA not only prevents duplication and inconvenience to investors, it also enables a single point change management. Further, intermediaries need not collect KYC documents from KYC compliant clients, thus eliminating the need to collect and store the same. Inspection would be on the basis of scanned images, which would simplify compliance with KYC requirements.

As per SEBI circular MIRSD/Cir-26/2011, dated December 23, 2011, it shall be mandatory for all the intermediaries to carry out In-Person Verification (IPV) of their clients, if not already done. The IPV carried out by one SEBI registered intermediary can be relied upon by another intermediary. Only certain category of personnel can carry out IPV as defined in the above referred circular.

Each Intermediary has to register with KDMSL-KRA and detailed procedure will be communicated to those Intermediaries. They need to fill-up registration form and send the same duly signed with Terms and Conditions along with the requisite documents to the following address:

M/s. Karvy Data Management Services Limited
KYC Registration Agency,
Karvy House, No. 46, Avenue 4, Street No. 1,
Road No. 10, Banjara Hills,
Hyderabad – 500034

Following supporting documents need to be submitted to KDMSL-KRA along with the Registration Form. Photocopy of the documents should have been certified by the Designated / Whole Time Director(s) / Company Secretary along with seal / stamp of the Intermediary

1.Certified True Copy of SEBI Registration Certificate with validity period. Certified True Copy of PAN Card.

2.Name(s) of Designated / Whole Time Director(s) / Company Secretary along with their designation, Director Identification Number (DIN) / PAN and signature(s) on the letterhead of the Intermediary.

3.Certified True Copy of the latest Balance Sheet.

Necessary due diligence process will be carried out before registering intermediaries like checking with Blacklist master, Suspension of the Intermediaries, etc. Once registration process is completed successfully, User ID will be created for Admin User i.e. Compliance Officer and the password will be intimated through designated email given in the Intermediary Registration Form. Once Admin Users logs in, he/she can create multiple User IDs as per their requirements. Password will be auto-generated and intimated to the user to the registered email ID.

KDMSL-KRA will give suitable web-based application interface to the registered intermediaries/ RTAs in case of intermediaries being Mutual Funds, through which they would be able to verify, download or upload information from/ to the KRA.

KYC procedures for Corporates, FIIs and other non-individual entities are to be complied as specified under SEBI Circular No. MIRSD/SE/CIR-21/2011, dated October 5, 2011 and these are subject to change from time to time based on SEBI circulars or as per any other regulatory requirements.

Intermediary has to verify with KRA system whether said PAN already exists or not. If it is already available, it will not be necessary for the Intermediary to seek KYC documents again as intermediary can rely upon the KYC done by another intermediary. However, Intermediary can accept the missing information with the requisite documents and update suitably in KRA system. It is the responsibility of the Intermediary to ensure complete KYC process and availability of the requisite documents

All the KYC information, including signatures, which are provided as part of the KYC form will be made available to the registered intermediary.

Supporting document(s) submitted along with the KYC application form should have minimum 30 days validity (wherever applicable and relevant) at the time of submission to the Intermediary will be considered for KYC.

In case an intermediary uploads another KYC of an existing KYC compliant investor, the same will be rejected by the KRA system and the intermediary will have to download the KYC details of the client from the KRA.